Friday, March 12, 2010

TransGriot Heading To SUNY- Oneonta

If there are any loyal TransGriot readers in the vicinity of the SUNY Oneonta campus, I'll be heading to New York on March 22 to speak about African American trans issues.

SUNY Oneonta is the alma mater of NASA astronaut Ron Garan, actor Bull Pullman from 'Independence Day', ESPN NFL reporter Sal Paolantonio, MLS Commissioner Don Garber and New York State Court of Appeals Judge Victoria Graffeo.

As always, I'm thankful for the kind invitation to grace the SUNY-Oneonta campus. My presentation will be starting at 7 PM in the Morris Conference Center - Room 104 and run until 9 PM. It'll be a great opportunity to talk to Red Dragons about another facet of the trans community that you don't often hear from.

I'm looking forward to interacting with the students and faculty on campus. I find it ironic that I'm going to be arriving there as GENDA is now in the NY state senate after being passed by the New York State Assembly by a lopsided margin for the third consecutive session.

If you're not aware of it, I'm available for speaking engagements, conferences or other events in which people want to be informed about the issues of African descended trans people.

If you wish to have the TransGriot visit your campus, or speak at your event, just drop me an e-mail with the proposed dates. The Fall 2010 slots for you collegiate folks won't stay open long, and neither will the 2010 Transgender Day of Remembrance in November.

See you in ten days, SUNY Oneonta!