Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Labor Day Weekend Edition

It's Labor Day weekend!

Depending on where you live, we're getting the last of our summer fun in before heading into another school year (or the kids are already back in school) and the cooler fall weather sets in.

It's also the weekend that the Miss Continental Pageant takes place in Chitown.

2008-2009 Miss Continental Tulsi will be crowing her 2009-2010 successor at the Park West Theater.

Hopefully there will be less drama than there was at Miss USA this year.

But changing seasons, exciting transgender pageants and fun filled holiday weekends provide us no respite from our ongoing mission of rooting out and exposing the fools in our midst.

Thanks to Renee at Womanist Musings, we have our winner this week for our illustrious award. This fool beat out perennial contenders Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Republican party, Faux News,.Bill O'Reilly and his own whacked out pastor Steven Anderson.

Say hello to our landslide winner this week, Chris Broughton.

The same Oreo-cookie chomping negro that brought an AR-15 rifle to an Obama town hall meeting now has openly concurred with his white nutcase pastor Steven Anderson's August 16 sermon praying for the first African-American president's death.

Broughton said of Anderson's controversial August 16 "Why I Hate Barack Obama" sermon: "I concur, I think we'd be better off if God would send [Obama] where he's going now instead of later. [Obama] is destroying our country."

Wouldn't be surprised if Faux News or right wing talk radio hired his unemployed ass ASAP to parrot their anti-Obama talking points.

Take this negro's Black Like Me card away and cut it up. Fire up the DROP Squad and send this confused soul to them for a beat down and an intensive training course in Black history.

And give the honorary white man some Oreo's while you're at it.

Chris Broughton, shut the hell up, fool!