Saturday, October 4, 2008

Trans For Obama Effort

It's been past time for us to take the next steps in securing our rights. Lobbying legislators is only one part of that. You also have to reward your friends and defeat your enemies.

Since Sen. Barack Obama has stated over and over again his support for an inclusive ENDA, we need to donate cash to him so that he can successfully finish this last leg of the journey to the White House.

I've already started doing so by purchasing Obama gear directly from the campaign. No disrespect to you peeps trying to make a living with the cool street Obama shirts, but I want whatever dollars I spend on Obama gear to go straight to whipping McPalin behinds.

A campaign kicked off Monday organized by Helen Boyd and the Stonewall Democrats in which we transgender peeps and our allies have been donating funds to this ActBlue page for the Obama campaign. As of this writing it has garnered 283 donors and $13,145 dollars.

But we could always use more.

When the Purple One says 'we haven't been educating Congress', what he means in Washingtonspeak is that the transgender community hasn't been handing them checks for their reelection campaigns.

Yo Barney, when you quit cutting my people out of ENDA you might see some of this 13K on the regular that's going to Obama. We reward friends, not 'frenemies'.

So if you could just give up $5 or whatever you can spare, it would go a long way toward ensuring your civil rights and send the message that we're not only here, we support our friends as well. For our allies, you send the vitally important message that you believe that civil rights for your fellow transgender citizens is important as well.